10th March 2016 Thursday / 2016年3月10日 星期四
Daily Summary of Baltic Exchange Dry Indices
Baltic Exchange Dry IndexTM 波罗的海干散货指数 |
+ 8↗ |
Baltic Exchange Capesize IndexTM 2014 (BASIS 180000DWT VESSEL) 波罗的海好望角型指数 (按照18万吨船) |
178 |
0 |
Baltic Exchange Panamax IndexTM 波罗的海巴拿马型指数 |
466 |
+ 19↗ |
Baltic Exchange Supramax IndexTM 波罗的海超极限灵便型指数 |
412 |
+ 13↗ |
Baltic Exchange Handysize IndexTM 波罗的海灵便型指数 |
246 |
+ 3↗ |
Daily Summary of the Baltic Exchange Time Charter Routes
BCI_2014 Average of the 5 T/C routes 2014好望角型平均期租日租金 |
2218 |
- 34↘ |
BCI Average of the 4 T/C routes 好望角型平均期租日租金 |
753 |
- 50↘ |
BPI Average of the 4 T/C routes 巴拿马型平均期租日租金 |
3739 |
+ 146↗ |
BSI58 Average of the T/C routes TESS 58型船超极限灵便型平均期租日租金 |
4049 |
+ 96↗ |
BSI Average of the 6 T/C routes 超级灵便型平均期租日租金 |
4306 |
+ 138↗ |
BHSI Average of the 6 T/C routes 灵便型平均期租日租金 |
3651 |
+ 43↗ |